Twinkle Khanna shared the post and said - when would be a better time to break the leg, anyway you can not go outside the house

Twinkle Khanna shared the post and said - when would be a better time to break the leg, anyway you can not go outside the house

Twinkle Khanna has an injury to her leg, which she had posted a video to her fans. Now Twinkle Khanna has shared another post, in which she is sitting on a chair facing the garden. 
While sharing the photo, Twinkle Khanna writes that some advice has been received from Karan Kapadia. The kids are playing tic-tac-toe on my plaster. And to see if it would be a better time for me when a leg injury happened when nobody has permission to go out. Everything is closed due to Corona. 
Twinkle Khanna shared a video in which she was returning from the hospital with Akshay Kumar. While sharing the video, he wrote that the road is empty and deserted. Do not panic, I am not going to kick anything, because I cannot do anything like that due to a leg injury. 

Let me tell you that recently, Akshay Kumar has donated Rs 25 crore to the PM Cares Fund. No Bollywood star has donated such a huge amount yet. 
